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Hacker Anonymous mengklaim menerobos situs Korea Utara, Uriminzokkiri.com

Posted by INFO COMPUTER on Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kelompok hacker Anonymous mengklaim telah menerobos Uriminzokkiri.com situs Korea Utara dan mendapat lebih dari 15.000 user. Sebuah message yang diposting online membuat pernyataaan dan termasuk rincian untuk enam account, termasuk juga nama pengguna, alamat e-mail, tanggal lahir, dan password hash.

"Enjoy these few records as a proof of our access to your systems (random innocent citizens, collateral damage, because they were stupid enough to choose idiot passwords), we got all over 15k membership records of www.uriminzokkiri.com and many more. First we gonna wipe your data, then we gonna wipe your badass dictatorship "government"."
Dari enam account, tiga memiliki nama Korea dan tiga lainnya tampaknya Cina. "North Korean government is increasingly becoming a threat to peace and freedom. We demand: - N.K. government to stop making nukes and nuke-threats, uncensored internet access for all the citizens and Kim Jong-un to resign"

Empat dari enam pengguna memiliki alamat email Cina, ada alamat Hotmail dan satu alamat Korea Selatan yang tampaknya milik KEPCO KDN, sebuah sistem smart-gird, penyedia yang merupakan bagian dari Korea Electric Power Co

"Don't fear us, we are not terrorist, we are the good guys from the internet. AnonKorea and all the other Anons are here to set you free. We are Anonymous We are Legion We do not forgive We do not forget Expect us!"

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Thanks for reading & sharing INFO COMPUTER

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